Weave 2


Weave 1


Produced during the 5 week, artist-writer residency at Silverfish Magazine in response to the theme Cyborgities. 

The launch exhibition "now that the artifice is dissolved" was held at Hearth Garage.  Alongside work by Jessica Kasiama, Alex Lepianka, and B Wijshijer. 

Photo by Philip Ocampo


Photo by Philip Ocampo


Photo by Philip Ocampo


About A Person Who uses the traditional fiber form of weaving to explore cyborg as a metaphor for the occupation of a marginalized identity. 

The labour intensive and fragmentary endeavor of piecing together a self is explored through the manual splicing and recombination of diary fragment, family photo, and vacation viscera. 

Likening the interlocking grid points of a weave to the data structure of pixels in a digital image, each coordinate stores memory, history, labour, and myth that become rapidly compressed in intangible digital voids. 

Weave 2


Weave 1

Using Format