Installation shot of contemporary ceramic and mixed media sculpture. Scultpures are of mythological figures, a textile pillar, and a wooden chair with a ceramic spine.
Detail shot of a cast glycerin soap brick forming part of a plinth. The cast brick contains Traditional Chinese Medicine ingredients, real and fabricated, floating slightly bellow the surface. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner

Cast glycerin, lily bulb, Bai Shao root, ceramic Ginseng root,  ceramic Gou Qi

A ceramic sculpture of a female figure, the top of her head and two wings jut from the floor, suggesting a body beyond visibility. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner

Catastrophe's Whore, glazed ceramic

A ceramic sculpture of a devil. It's body and expression are posed towards mischief. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner

Molt, glazed ceramic

A ceramic spine attached to a wooden chair. Sculpture is given animacy. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner

Scapegoat, found chair, ceramic, glycerin

Installation shot of contemporary ceramic installation. There are mythological figures. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner
A red pencil crayon drawing of a mythical, dreamlike scenario, of a hand feeding a mouth an eggplant with a devil like creature mounted. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner

Untitled Drawing, pencil crayon on paper 


Installation shot of contemporary ceramic installation. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner
Textile artwork made of found fishing rope that hang from the ceiling and spill onto the floor. Ceramic charms of rabbit foot, bell, egg, among others adorn the pillar. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner

Axis Mundi, or Spigot of Divination, found rope, glazed ceramic 

Glycerin soap cast within a ceramic bowl, broken, unglazed, ceramic seed pod inside. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner

Installation shot of contemporary ceramic installation. OCAD Thesis Material Art and Design Medal Winner
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